I have a confession. I finally admitted it to myself today. Now, I'm sharing with you. I haven't even told my husband this.
I am dying to talk just like Claire Huxtable. (If you don't know who Claire Huxtable is, just go away. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. You are no longer welcome in my world) I love the way that woman talks.

She's so sassy yet polished. She even finishes her sassiness sometimes with a run from a song or a sister girl neck roll that is soooo not sister girl. I love her.
I'm just dying to say to Ray: " Ray, I know you are not leaving your underwear on the floor." Ray will say something and I will follow up with, "Sir, when you have your own personal maid around here then you can do stuff like that. Until then, please march your behind to the nearest hamper." This will be accompanied by a major neck roll and finger wagging. I will finish all of this by singing in a total blues voice, "This man is making me crazy."
The audience will laugh and the show will fade out.
Don't you love Claire's sassiness? I do.
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