I have a funny story to share...
After you hear this, you will agree that this person is crazy and I'm not.
So, I had a friend. Let's call this friend Wilamena. So, Wilamena and I were good High School Friends. We had similar personalities in High School and had a WONDERFUL friendship. Somewhere between our senior year of High School and freshmen year of college, Wilamena and I stopped talking. Not sure why. Probably the typical 18 year old friendship ending stuff.
Well, we restarted our friendship again, sometime during sophmore year of college and were fine for many years.
There was just one problem. I HATED the friendship. The friend was fine, (I guess), the friendship wasn't. It was very unhealthy, filled with ignorant secrets, idiotic conversations, and just plain stupidity. (Try and figure out what all that means) :-)
Anyway, fast forward a few years later. The same ignorance is still going on. However, it's only one sided. Well, maybe it's two sided because I am still listening to it. However, as our age has increased, the ignorance has increased. This person is just involved with stuff that's just plain WRONG. I want to break up with Wilamena. badly. I just have no idea how. Especially, after she tells me a HUGE secret.
Anyway, long story short, Wilamena and I finally end. Not on my terms, but I am okay with it. Actually relieved. Blessed is probably a more fitting term.
Holidays 2008. I'm mailing Christmas cards. I am using the list that I used for my wedding invitations as it is the most comprehensive and up to date list that I have. As I'm addressing the envelopes, I include Wilamena and her family. Ooops. I'm faced with a dilemma. Do, I toss the envelope or just mail it out? Well, it's Christmas and I'm a Christian, afterall. :-) I am going to mail the card. It's the holidays, right? I've already written their name on the card. Oh Well.
I arrive home this weekend and sorting through mail. I notice an envelope that looks like our Christmas card. I assume it's from one of our friends' that have moved. I look a bit more and notice a BIG "RTS" written on the front in Wilamena's handwriting. (She has very distinctive handwriting, pretty... ) So, I pick up the envelope and smile. I think, Oh well, I guess she didn't want my card. FUNNY... In a sad, I really wasn't trying to befriend you kind of way... I was on my way to drop it in the trash, when it fell and I noticed additional writing on the back.
The writing on the back said something close to, "WE DON'T WANT THIS expletive AT OUR HOUSE."
She must be crazy. Who does that? It's one thing to feel like she hates me (for some unknown strange reason). It's another to even RTS. It's a whole nother CRAZY thing to write profanity on the card. I thought the USPS was like federal or something. I didn't think they allowed that sort of thing to get through.
Well, RTS/Return to Sender is my new fave slang. If Myah asks me about a TV show that I don't watch, I just reply with RTS.
Yep, she's crazy. Wilamena that is, because I aint.
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